Mental Health Assessments
Mark Pelley is a registered nurse with specialised education and training in mental health. He has a:
Bachelor of Nursing (mental health).
Bachelor of Psychology & Management.
Masters of Mental Health.
Mark has extensive training and experience in the mental health field working in a range of public, private and government settings over a 11+ year career.
Today, Mark only works in private industry and offers specialised mental health assessments for court or migration settings particuarly around the area of family violence and the impacts on the individual/family.

Migration Family Violence Report
As a registered nurse specialising in mental health, Mark Pelley is qualified and recognised in accordance with the Migration Regulations 1994, Paragraph 1.24(b) “Evidentiary Requirements” and in accordance with Schedule 1 of IMMI 12/116 to provide an independent report about family violence to the Department of Home Affairs.
Mark can take information from multiple sources including your doctor, psychologist, family, friends, yourself as a valued patient and more. We only take information from sources that you feel are appropriate. The impact family violence has on women, men, and children is long lasting and can be devastating.
We review the holistic impacts of family violence and how it has affected you physically, emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, socially, financially and in terms of control/coercive behaviour.

Reports For Court Matters
Mark Pelley has been used by lawyers for court reports for their clients advising the court as to the client's mental state, psychological impacts of crime/criminal activity or about the mental health or well being of the accused.
Each court (whether civil or criminal) has their own requirements but in circumstances where a mental health nurse report can be warranted or useful, get your lawyer to give Mark Pelley a call or you can contact him yourself.

Private Mental Health Consults
While Mark Pelley no longer works in the mental health field in terms of treatment modalities, Mark can provide an intial consult to help determine which course of treatment or assistance may best be suited. Referrals can be to private or public drug and alcohol clinic settings, mental health impatient units, your doctor, personal and self development counselling and much more. For more information, get in touch.

As stated, Mark Pelley has an educational background in:
Bachelor of Nursing (mental health) - Victoria University.
Bachelor of Psychology & Management - Deakin University.
Masters of Mental Health - University of Queensland.
The above qualifications provided extensive education in the areas of mental health/illness, the impact of drugs/addiction, clinical treatment modalities, the use of pharmacology in mental health and holistic mental health therapy.

Work Experience
Mark Pelley has extensive work experience across a range of different mental health sectors including:
Public Mental Health Units
Forensic mental health.
Private treatment settings
Drug & Alcohol
Community Mental health (inc. CATT & Case Mgmt).
Psychiatric Triage
Telephone Triage
Refugee Detention Centre Mental Health
Private Business, Court Reports & Migration law.